Dear Readers,
This is an embarrassing topic for most people and understandably so.
But we need to discuss know why? Because Muslim kids are practising it - there's simply no denying that they are. Kids will explore their bodies over the teenage years and sometimes masturbation is practised involuntarily by kids who are newly discovering their body and sexuality - especially during puberty.
These Muslims kids will also be looking for answers on whether it's halal or haram. We cannot bury their questions by ignoring the topic. Ignorance is harmful. If a Muslim guide is not there to answer questions, kids go to the wrong sources for knowledge.
The following views were expressed through e-mail soon after I put up the first article entitled "Masturbation is not Haram". I have provided you with both sides of the story because I don't want to declare something this ambiguous, halal or haram. I am reluctant because I don't want to be responsible for misleading you either way. Please read the above carefully before you decide for yourself. I hold nothing back from you.
If you wish to add your comments, Mail me.
Fareena Alam
Webmaster: Islam
- The Modern Religion
E-mail 1 from
Ali Aman:
The Prophet said: Among those whom
Allah will not look at on the Day of Resurrection, and to whom He will
say, "Enter the Fire along with those who enter," the Prophet (pbuh) counted
the following: The active and the passive partners in homosexuality; the
one who has sex with animals; the one who is married to a woman and her
daughter at the same time; and the one who masturbates regularly, unless
they repent and reform.
E-mail 2 from
Ali Aman:
If masturbation was permitted wouldn't
the prophet have said it was ok to do while we fast instead of having sex.
Touching the sexual organ without any "barrier" between the hand and the organ: Busrah bint Safwan narrated that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, "Whoever touches his sexual organ cannot pray until he performs ablution."
This hadith is related by "the five."
At-Tirmidhi classified it as sahih and al-Bukhari called it the most authentic
report on that topic. Malik, ash-Shaifi, Ahmad and others also narrated
it. Abu Dawud said, "I asked Ahmad, 'Is the hadith of Busrah authentic?'
He said, 'Certainly it is authentic." In the narration of Ahmad and an-Nasa'i,
Busrah heard the Prophet saying, "Ablution is to be made by the one who
touches his sexual organ." This is general and encompasses touching one's
own sexual organs or touching somebody else's. Abu Hurairah reported the
Prophet as saying, "Whoever touches his sexual organ without any covering
(between them) must perform ablution." (Related by Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and
al-Hakim, who classified it as sahih, as did Ibn 'Abdul-Barr.)
23:5. Who abstain from sex,
23:6. Except with those joined to them
in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess,-
for (in their case) they are free from blame,
23:7. But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors.
E-mail 3 from
Ali Aman:
Masturbation (for both men and women)
is haraam (forbidden) in Islam based on the following evidence:
First from the Qur’aan:
Imam Shafi’i stated that masturbation is forbidden based on the following verses from the Qur’aan (interpretation of the meaning):
"And those who guard their chastity (i.e. private parts, from illegal sexual acts). Except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, - for them, they are free from blame. But whoever seeks beyond that, then those are the transgressors." 23.5-7 Here the verses are clear in forbidding all illegal sexual acts (including masturbation) except for the wives or that their right hand possess. And whoever seeks beyond that is the transgressor.
"And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His bounty." 24.33. This verse also clearly orders whoever does not have the financial means to marry to keep himself chaste and be patient in facing temptations (including masturbation) until Allah enriches them of His bounty.
Secondly, from the sunnah of the Prophet (peace be upon him):
Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said, "We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." Bukhari:5066. The hadeeth orders men who are not able to marry to fast despite the hardship encountered in doing so, and not to masturbate despite the ease with which it can be done.
There are additional evidences that can be cited to support this ruling on masturbation, but due to the limited space we will not go through them here. Allaah knows what is best and most correct.
As for curing the habit of masturbation, we recommend the following suggestions:
1) The motive to seek a cure for this problem should be solely following Allaah’s orders and fearing His punishment.
2) A permanent and quick cure from this problem lies in marriage as soon as the person is able, as shown in the Prophet’s hadeeth.
3) Keeping oneself busy with what is good for this world and the hereafter is essential in breaking this habit before it becomes second nature after which it is very difficult to rid oneself of it.
4) Lowering the gaze (from looking at forbidden things such as pictures, movies etc.) will help suppress the desire before it leads one to commit the haraam (forbidden). Allaah orders men and women to lower their gaze as shown in the following two verses and in the Prophet’s hadeeth (interpretations of the meanings):
"Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is all-aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things) and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) ..... " 24.30-31
Allaah’s messenger said: "Do not follow a casual (unintentional) look (at forbidden things) with another look." Al-Tirmidhi 2777. This is a general instruction by the Prophet to abstain from all that may sexually excite a person because it might lead him/her to commit the haraam (forbidden).
5) Using one’s available leisure time in worshipping Allaah and increasing religious knowledge.
6) Being cautious not to develop any of the medical symptoms that may result from masturbation such as weak eyesight, weak nervous system, and/or back pain. More importantly, feeling of guilt and anxiety that can be complicated by missing obligatory prayers because of the need to shower (ghusl) after every incidence of masturbation.
7) Avoiding the illusion that some youth have that masturbation is permissible because it prevents them from committing illegal sexual acts such as fornication or even homosexuality.
8) Strengthening one’s willpower and avoiding spending time alone as recommended by the Prophet when he said "Do not spend the night alone" Ahmad 6919.
9) Following the Prophet’s aforementioned hadeeth and fast when possible, because fasting will temper one’s sexual desire and keep it under control. However, one should not overreact and swear by Allaah not to return to the act because if one does not honor one’s promise, one would be facing the consequences of not living up to one’s oath to Allaah. Also, note that medication to diminish one’s sexual desire is strictly prohibited because it might permanently affect one’s sexual ability.
10) Trying to follow the Prophet’s recommendation concerning the etiquette of getting ready for bed, such as reading well-known supplications, sleeping on the right side, and avoiding sleeping on the belly (the Prophet forbade sleeping on the belly).
11) Striving hard to be patient and
chaste, because persistence will eventually, Allaah willing, lead to attaining
those qualities as second nature, as the Prophet explains in the
following hadeeth:
"Whoever seeks chastity Allaah will
make him chaste, and whoever seeks help from none but Allaah, He will help
him, and whoever is patient He will make it easy for him, and no one has
ever been given anything better than patience." Bukhari:1469.
12) Repenting, asking forgiveness from Allaah, doing good deeds, and not losing hope and feeling despair are all prerequisites to curing this problem. Note that losing hope is one of the major sins punishable by Allaah.
13) Finally, Allaah is the Most Merciful and He always responds to whoever calls on Him. So, asking for Allah’s forgiveness will be accepted, by His will.
Wallahu a’lam. And Allah knows what is best and most correct
E-mail 1 from Nasir
Masturbation in Islam is Haraam. Its harms
are great and it has disastrous
consequences as established by doctors
who have attested to its gravity and detriment. Allah Taãla says
in the Noble Qurãn concerning the qualities of the people of Imaan:
'And those who guard their modesty - save from their wives or the (slaves) that their right hands possess, they are not blameworthy. But whosoever craves beyond that, such are transgressors.' (Mu'minoon 5-7)
It is apparent that this act is contrary to that with which Allah Taãla has described the people of Imaan - and it entails transgression and injustice upon one's self. Therefore, it is incumbent to abstain from it and take recourse to what Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) has prescribed for bachelors wherein he said, 'O members of the youth, those of you who have the means to get married then surely do so, because therein lies the greater protection of ones eyes and private parts. And as for those who do not have the means, then let them hold onto fasting because it weakens and breaks the passion (and desire within a person).'
It is hoped, Insha Allah, that by means of this Nabawi (prophetic) prescription you will finally be able to discard and leave this abominable and wicked act. However, there is no harm in referring to a doctor as well as seeking guidance on this matter for those who are not able to fast and for those who are not able to subdue their passions by fasting as Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'Allah Taãla has not sent down any sickness but together with it he sent down a cure as well. Those who have knowledge will be cognisant of it and the ignorant will remain ignorant of it.'
The Prophet (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'O servants of Allah! Treat one another with medication. However, do not resort to unlawful means.'
It has been proven medically that masturbation causes numerous illnesses.
From among them are:
It weakens the eyesight and decreases
its sharpness to a great extent.
It causes the private part to become frail and feeble and it creates a partial or total laxity in it, resulting in the person becoming more resembling to women, due to the loss of his distinctive manliness by means of which Allah Taãla has granted man virtue over woman. He is thus unable to get married. And in the event of him getting married, he will not be able to fulfil the responsibilities of marriage as required. This will cause his wife to cast her gaze on other men, resulting in such harms which are apparent.
It creates a weakness in the nerves and sinews due to the physical exertion involved in this act.
It disrupts and upsets the digestive system, thus impending this process.
It creates an impediment in the growth of the body organs, the penis and testicles in particular, thus they do not grow to their natural limit.
It causes an inflammation in the testicles resulting in pre-mature ejaculation to this extent that by mere frictional contact of the penis, ejaculation occurs.
It causes pain in the vertebral column (spine) - the place from which sperm originates - due to which crookedness and bending occurs in the back.
Due to constant ejaculation, the sperm no more remains thick and dense as it normally occurs in males. This results in a deficiency in sperm and in many cases leaving it faint and thin which is not 'mighty enough' to impregnate. This is the cause for such children to be more prone to disease and illness as against those who are born from natural sperm.
It causes trembling and instability in
some parts of the body like the feet.
It weakens the cerebral glands, thus weakening
the faculty of perception. It also decreases one's intellect and can even
lead to mental disorders and insanity.
Finally, we beseech of the Almighty Allah
Taãla for protection from all evils, for us and all Muslims.
Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baaz
Grand Mufti and Head - Department of
Islamic Research, Iftaa and Propagation
- Saudia Arabia
from: 'Whither O Youth' Sheikh Muhammad bin Saleh al-Uthaymin
published by Madrasah Arabia Islamia
- Azaadville
You see Shehzad Saleem cannot prove that masturbation is not haram. All he says is that verses of surah muminun (23:5-7) are not understood properly and that the hadiths prohibiting masturbation are weak and unauthentic. Which means the act of masturbation -whether haram or not haram is still doubtful...right?
And we are not to indulge in anything that's doubtful right? Furthermore, the scientific evidences show that masturbation is harmful to health. So why do it? Like what Ali Aman quoted,
Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood said, "We were with the Prophet while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." Bukhari:5066.
The hadeeth orders men who are not able to marry to fast despite the hardship encountered in doing so, and not to masturbate despite the ease with which it can be done.
If it is allowed, wouldn't Prophet(s.a.w) have allowed it as an alternative? But instead, what he said was to fast!
See article 13 of the things that braeks
the fast (derived from shariah net
(13) Masturbation. In addition to it nullifying
the Saum, it is an immoral
and a sinful act. The perpetrator has
been cursed by Rasulullah (Sallallahu
Alayhi Wasallam).
E-mail 2 from
You cannot say that the medical reasons
sound crazy just because they sound unconvincing. From my knowledge of
from my lectures on cancer.....Now liver does it happen esp. in the absence of viruses like hep B???? well a man whpo drinks alot...alcohol....kills his liver's true that you can live with 1/4 or 1/3 of your liver....
But when you reach the limit, the liver 'panicks' it starts dividing really fast to makeup the cells that have been this panick state, it makes mistakes in it's DNA replication.....there you have mutated DNA which refuses to stop dividing...all this because the liver is forced to divide.....cancer cells are cells which refuse to stop dividing...resulting in tumors.....
if you were to put this to are actually forcing out are stressing your sexual organ.....
that's different from having sex with the know why? When you have sex with your wife, that's ejaculation...masturbation is pre mature they be the same?
Like I said before....wasting is a great sin in Islam.....semen which is necessary for propagation...can it be wasted?
you cannot dispute things just because they seem just have to be patient and look for the truth. until you have prove that claims that whatever the Mufti said is untrue, you can't comment on his article....bec he is a Mufti and I hope you know that Muftis aren't selected based on their wealth or popularity.....
E-mail 3 from
Authors:Sank LI.
Institution Center for Cognitive Therapy,
Bethesda, MD 20817, USA.
Title : Traumatic masturbatory syndrome.
Source: Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy.
24(1):37-42, 1998 Jan-Mar.
Abstract: This article describes a previously
unreported pattern of atypical masturbatory behavior, which presents as
either an erectile or orgasmic disorder in men. Four case histories are
described of men who masturbated in an idiosyncratic manner. The distinguishing
features of the masturbatory style include a prone position and daily masturbation
over a period of years. It is suggested that the primary care physician
or specialist (urologist or neurologist) screen for this problematic style
when presented with male sexual dysfunction. Further, and more
controversially, it is suggested that a primary prevention model would
argue for masturbatory instruction in the home, classroom, or pediatric
clinical setting.
Authors: Jacome DE.
Institution Department of Medicine, Franklin
Medical Center, Greenfield, Mass., USA.
Title: Masturbatory-orgasmic extracephalic
Source: Headache. 38(2):138-41, 1998 Feb.
Abstract: Two single men, one with compressive
spondylitic cervical myelopathy and another with tethered cord and intraspinal
lipoma, experienced severe paroxysmal ice pick-like pains, solely referred
to the neck in the first and to the groin and genitalia in the second,
that were precipitated by masturbation and masturbatory orgasms. Continuous,
but less intense, background pain was reported by both patients over the
same anatomic areas. Neither had intracranial lesions, epilepsy, or suffered
from migraine. Recently, extratrigeminal ice pick status was reported in
this journal. These two unusual cases represent examples of extracephalic
ice pick-like pain triggered by sexual activity, in the absence of orgasmic
Authors:Finkelstein E. Amichai B. Jaworowski
S. Mukamel M.
Institution : Day Care Unit, Children's
Medical Center of Israel, Petah-Tiqva, Israel.
Title: Masturbation in prepubescent children:
a case report and review of the literature. [Review] [8 refs]
Source: Child: Care, Health & Development.
22(5):323-6, 1996 Sep.
Abstract : A 10-year-old girl observed
to have episodes of flushing, pallor and weakness, was referred for investigation
of possible carcinoid syndrome. The cause of these episodes was masturbation.
Masturbation occurs at all ages and in most cases is considered normal
behaviour. Lack of recognition of this phenomenon in children may lead
to unnecessary investigations and treatment. [References: 8]
Authors: Kesaree N. Umesh L. Kallinath
S. Shafi. Kadli NK. Muganagowda. Banapurmath CR.
Institution: Bapuji Child Health Institute
and Research Centre, Davangere, Karnataka.
Title: Bladder stone presenting as excessive
Source: Indian Pediatrics. 31(7):873-4,
1994 Jul.
Catalog Holdings: 356294
NLM Journal Code: gm2
Country of Publication: India
Authors: Pierucci G.
Title: Fatal air embolism during female
autoerotic practice [letter].
Source: International Journal of Legal
Medicine. 104(4):241, 1991.> Catalog Holdings
No holdings available
NLM Journal Code ax1 Country of Publication
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Respected Brother-in-Islam
Assalaamu Álaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu
Your e-mail refers.
Masturbation is Haraam (unlawful).
This is the ruling of the four Madhaahibs
viz. Maliki, Shafée, Hanafee and one riwaayah (narration) from Imaam
Hanbalee. They have drawn their conclusions from the following proofs:
* Allah Taãla says:
'And those who guard their private
parts from their wives and those (slave-girls) which their right-hands
own - so there is no blame upon them. Then whoever seeks beyond that (which
is lawful), they are the transgressors.
The intended meaning of these Aayat is clear. Allah Taãla has praised the believers for guarding their private parts from that which He has made forbidden for them. Allah has permitted them to approach their wives and slave-girls. Thereafter, these words of Allah Taãla follow: 'Whoever seeks beyond that which is lawful are oppressors who overstep from Halaal(permitted) towards Haraam (prohibited).
Hafiz ibn Katheer (RA) writes Imaam Shaafée (RA) and those who have agreed with him have concluded that masturbation is Haraam from this Aayat.' He says: 'Masturbation is excluded from these two types which Allah has made Halaal, viz. wives and slave-girls.
* Similarly, these Fuqahaa (Jurists) have
drawn their conclusion from the following Aayat:
'And those who do not find the means
to marry should remain chaste until Allah gives them resources by
His grace.'
This Aayat shows masturbation to be Haraam because of two reasons: Firstly, in this Aayat Allah Taãla has given the command of chastity and, according to the principles of Fiqh, a command (an imperative) denotes Wujoob (incumbency, obligation). Hence to remain chaste is Waajib (compulsory) and wherever chastity is Waajib it becomes Waajib to refrain from that which is contrary to it, for example, adultery, fornication, and sodomy. This is due to the fact that obligatory chastity will not materialise except by complete refrainment from all that which is contrary to chastity.
Secondly: in this Aayat, Allah Taãla has made chastity obligatory on those who are unable to execute the command of Nikah. Here Allah Taãla has not determined any connection or link between marriage and chastity. Hence, this demands that masturbation should be Haraam. And if assuming, it was permissible, then Allah Taãla would have mentioned it at this point because this was the place of explanation. The silence maintaned by Allah Taãla with regard to it at a place which requires its explanation, denotes that masturbation is Haraam.
Imaam Qurtubi (RA) has written in the Tafseer of this Aayat: 'And when Allah Taãla has not determined any order between Nikah and chastity, then this shows that besides these two, everything else is Haraam. However, this Hurmat (unlawfulness) does not include slave-girls because another command of the Qurãn makes them Mubaah (permissible), viz. 'That which the right-hands earn (i.e. slave-girls).' Hence, in this manner an addition of slave-girl has come. Masturbation, however still remains Haraam. 'Those who seek beyond this (i.e. wives and slave-girls) are transgressors.' (Maãrij 31)
Under the Tafseer of this Aayat, Qaadhi
Thanaullah Paani Patti writes: 'Imaam Baghawi has deduced from this Aayat
that masturbation is Haraam.'
* Similarly, the Fuqahaa have drawn their
conclusion from a Hadith reported by Abdullah bin Masóod (Radhiallaahu
Ánhu) in Bukhari and Muslim. He reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu
Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'O group of youth! Whoever from among you
can marry should do so because it keeps the gaze low and it protects the
private parts. And he who cannot marry should make it compulsory upon himself
to fast because it breaks lust.'
Nabi (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) directed the person who is incapable of bearing the burden on Nikah towards Sawm (fasting). If assuming, masturbation was permissible, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) would have mentioned it at this point. Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) however maintained silence. Hence, this indicates that masturbation is Haraam because silence at the place of explanation gives the benefit of restriction.
* Some of the Fuqahaa have drawn their
conclusion from a narration reported by Hasan bin Arfah that Nabi (Sallallaahu
Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'Seven persons are such that Allah will not
look at them on the Day of Qiyaamat nor will He purify them nor will He
include them among the learned and Allah will enter them into Jahannam.
They will enter Jahannam first except for those who repent. As those who
repent Allah will accept their repentance.
1. A person who masturbates.
2. A person who performs the act of sodomy.
3. The person upon whom the act of sodomy
is performed.
4. A perpetual drunkard.
5. The person who hits his parents so
much that they appeal for help.
6. The person who harms his neighbours
so much so that they curse him.
7. The person who commits adultery with
his neighbour's wife. (Ibn Katheer vol. 5 p. 458)
Hadhrat Anas (Radhiallaahu Ánhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, 'The person who performs Nikah with his hands (i.e. masturbates) is cursed. (Tafseer Mazhari vol. 12 p. 94)
* Saéed bin Jubayr (Radhiallaahu
Ánhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam)
said, 'Allah Taãla will inflict a punishment on a group of people
because they played with their private parts.'
* Attaa (RA) says, 'Some people will be resurrected in such a condition that their hands will be pregnant, I think they are those who masturbate.'
And Allah Taãla Knows Best.
Was salaam
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Moulana Ahmad Kathrada
Answer: There is no explicit directive of the Shari`ah which forbids masturbation. In other words, it is silent on this issue. Consequently, it cannot be regarded as a sin. The verses from which its prohibition is usually derived, I am afraid, have another meaning.
Ibn `Abbas: i) Marrying a slave girl is better than it, and it is
better than fornication (zina).
ii) It is nothing but rubbing one’s private parts until a fluid comes out.
Ibn `Umar: i) A person who does makes a fool of himself.
ii) It is merely rubbing an organ.
Jabir Ibn Zayd: It is your water; you can discharge it [if you want].
Hasan Basri: There is no harm in it.
At best, masturbation can be termed as an undesirable act similar in nature
to the emotions of anger and hate. Such emotions are generally against
good conduct, and a person should try to control them as much as possible.
However, there may be situations when they may play a somewhat positive
role - especially when they save you from a sin.
This is Shehzad Saleem's refutation of the articles by Ali Aman......
Assalaamu alykum
For anything to be haram, it is necessary that the Qur'an prohibit it in explicit words. Also no hadith can prohibit anything independent of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Ahadith merely explain and elucidate what is contained in these two original sources. Now as far as the Qur'an is concerned in my opinion there are no verses which forbid masturbation as is the view of Ibn Hazm a reputed scholar. The verses of surah muminun (23:5-7) quoted in my opinion have not been understood properly. To guard one's private parts (arabic: hifz i furuj) means to guard them from fornication and adultery. The words of the verse itself suggest it. When it is said that Muslims do not satisfy their sexual desires except from their wives and their slave women (which were present at the advent of Islam and which gradually Islam eradicated), it means that they go to no third woman except these two.
All Hadith which prohibit masturbation are weak and unauthentic.
It must be appreciated that there are many
things in Islam which are neither haram nor desirable, but which
are bad acts and should generally be avoided unless ofcourse one is unable
to do so. For example if somone abuses his brother, or gets angry with
his servants, or is mean to the poor, then of course no one can call these
acts as haram; although everyone will call them as bad things/habits. Masturbation
is a similar thing. It is no doubt a bad habit, but I think that
when it is able to save a person from a greater evil, it is an unavoidable
lesser evil. Needless to say that it should only be resorted to if a person
is not able to control his carnal desires through measures suggested in
the article above including fasting etc.
Regards, Shehzad Saleem
This is Shehzad Saleem's refutation to all of the above claims.....
Wa alaykumus salaam
I have gone through the objections and
comments and have found them very weak . I have the following observations
to make in this regard:
1. The Qur'anic verse often quoted to forbid masturbation has been wrongly interpreted. I have already written on this.
2. People seem to think that there is only one negative category in directives: Haram. Whereas in Islam there are several before this ultimate one. Things are inappropriate, sinful, bad, undesirable, etc. No one will say that needless scolding is haram. Yes it is inappropriate. No one will say that being dishonest is haram. Yes it is bad. No one will say that stealing is haram. Yes it is a sin. So on and so forth. For something to be haram, we need clear proof from the Book of Allah stating that a particular thing is haram. The verb "harrama" is used in the Qur'an many times to forbid certain things, but it has never been used for masturbation in clear words. No person has any authority to declare something as haram. It has to be divinely ordained. What right have we to pronounce something as haram which the Qur'an never did.
3. People also seem to think that the opposite of haram is allowable. This again is a wrong inference. If I said that masturbation is not haram, this did not mean that it is allowable (or desirable for that matter). I had clearly stated that it is an undesirable act habbit and one should avoid it as much as possible. However if one happens to commit it, one must not think that he has done something sinful or haram. I had given the example that getting angry and hating someone are similar undesirable acts. No one can call them haram. Also there may be situations when these "undesirable acts" play a positive role especially when they can save you from a sin like adultery for example.
4. The fact that the Qur'an and the Prophet (sws) told Muslim youth to guard their chastity if they are not able to marry and never said that they should masturbate to relieve their sexual urges also does not negate what I have said above. Sure the Qur'an and the Prophet (sws) will never want the youth to indulge in this habbit when other positive ways (such as fasting) can be suggested to soothe one's carnal desires. The sources of Islam will always suggest positive measures. However their lack of suggesting some measure (which is a bad habbit as in this case) does not mean that that thing is haram as has been inferred.
5. Genuinely evil medical effects of something have no authority of announcing something as haram, which can only be done divinely. For example no one will doubt that smoking or eating beatle (paan) are injurious to health, but no one will call them haram.
6. If quotations from the scholars and sage of this Ummah matter, then I have quoted many companions of the Prophet (sws) and authorities of this Ummah who never called it haram. I reproduce some of them again from Ibn Hazam’s al-Muhalla (Vol:11, pp. 393-4):
Ibn `Abbas: i) Marrying a slave girl is better than it, and it is better
than fornication (zina#).
ii) It is nothing but rubbing one’s private parts until a fluid comes out.
Ibn `Umar: i) A person who does makes a fool of himself.
ii) It is merely rubbing an organ.
Jabir Ibn Zayd: It is your water; you can discharge it [if you want].
Hasan Basri: There is no harm in it.
It should be known that Ibn Abbaas (rta)
has been called "Hibr ul Ummah" (The Scholar of the Ummah") by the
Prophet (sws) himself. The rest were also very highly reputed scholars
of Islam.
I will also urge my learned critics to
always accept the room for a difference of opinion. The real thing is that
one should be very sincere and commited to search for the truth but if
two peole hold conflicting opinions then this does not mean that one of
them should be condemned. The dazzling examples set by the Companions of
our beloved Prophet (sws) need our attention. They had many grave differences
but always respected one another's views.
May Allah Guide us to the right path.
Shehzad Saleem
12. What is the Islamic rule concerning masturbation?
Abu Saud: There is no authentic text prohibiting masturbation, although it is reprehensible on account of two man factors: It leads to sexual arousal and more desire, and it actually affects the health, especially for boys. Sex is like any other natural instinct in that the more you think of it, the more it is accentuated. Generally speaking, humans sublimate and administer their instincts. We want to possess, but we work and earn; we want to eat, but we control our eating habits: and we want to have sex, but we marry.
Athar: Masturbation is considered makruh (detestable) in Islam; i.e., it is between lawful and permitted. Some scholars of the past have permitted it to students and soldiers who are single in a non-Muslim society where temptation is high, in order to save them from adultery. The medical harms are not confirmed.
These are the comments of general readers...
Subject: Masturbation is not Haram
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 01:11:55 PDT
salaam alaikum,
It is sad to see prejudices and bigotry
marring this topic. Masturbation is not haram. There is nothing in Qur'an
to suggest it is...however there is too much narrow-mindedness out there
and thus we can see fear and ignorance masking as "morality". There are
enough things in this world that are truly haram without creating NEW ONES.
I applaud your bringing this out into discussion. In sha' Allah one day
masturbation will be seen as something innocent not wrong. I know in my
heart that your website and forthrightness is what the ummah has needed
for so long and I am most thankful for your work on our behalf.
I agree with you and your vision and Insha' Allah it will be successful in what we hope.
Maa Assalaamah,
M. Abdel-Khalid
I've 2 observations to make about the so-called arguments that masturbation is forbidden.
First, why all that repetition about having to make a new ablution after touching your private parts? You'd have to do that after urinating anyway, not to mention breaking wind, so what possible relevance is this to the question?
Second, the use of the phrase "what your right hand possesses" is intriguing. While this has traditionally been held to mean "slave-girls", it is significant that this phrase is used rather than just saying "slave-girls". What I find intriguing in this context is that if you take the phrase literally, it could be referring to one's own fingers, & thereby expressly listing masturbation as permitted sexual activity!
I believe this entire matter is one best left to being between the individual, and Allah who knows best.
As a fairly new convert to Islam, I'm a bit hesitant in putting my opinions forward, but in this case the illogic and false arguments were just so blatant, that I couldn't let it go buy without saying something!
I was self-converted from reading the Quran itself, where I found a just & moderate religion that sought to have as few controls & restrictions imposed as possible. Unfortunately, it seems all too many self-proclaimed "Islamic Authorities" are unhappy with the Islam that Allah gave them, & seek to "correct" this perceived "error" by interpreting what is forbidden in the widest manor possible, & only grudgingly admitting what is permitted in the narrowest sense that they can.
The question of music is a good example.
Given the undeniable fact that the Prophet expressed approval of some girls
singing to drum music during an Eid, I've actually read one of these "authorities"proclaim
that listening to music is ONLY permissible during Eid, & then ONLY
if no instruments are used but drums! May Allah defend us from such
"Islamic Authorities"!
-Wm. Jameel Van Ness
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