In the name of Allah The Beneficent, The Merciful.
Have not "those who disbelieve "known that heavens and earth were of one piece and We parted them and We made every living thing of water. Will they not then believe?
(The Holy Quran 21:30)
My long stay in M.E.T.U taught me a lot of things. Especially about life, and its existence. Working hard does pay, but working in the right direction is what counts (Some laws of physics do work). It was difficult to concentrate on studies with so many beautiful girls around (Some also in our department, I wouldnt name, cause they would know better). Hopefully if I graduate it would be because God would be tired of listening to my prayers, the continuos support and guidance of my father, the love and blessings of my mother, the tolerance of my brother and sisters, the best teachers of the university i.e. the teachers of our department and the jolly good friends I have whose comments about me you can read.
Amir Riaz
Life is like an island lost in the ocean of solitude, an island
where the rocks are our hopes and the trees our dreams,
where flowers are our solitude and the streams our aspirations.
Your life is an island separate from all the other islands
and regions. However many vessels leave your shore for
other countries, however many fleets sail to your ports,
you will always be a separate island, suffering pangs of
solitude and aspiring to happiness. Other men do not know
you at all and they are far from pitying your solitude or
understanding you.
If it were deprived of light your neighbors lamp could not illuminate it.
If the house stood in the desert you could not transport it into the
garden of other men, ploughed
and cultivated by other hands..
Life is like the charger of the night; the faster it gallops, the
sooner it will come to dawn.
(Khalil Gibran)
Nasreddin Hoca
Once, the people of The City invited Nasreddin Hoca to deliver a
sermon. When he got on the pulpit, he found the audience was not very enthusiastic, so he
asked "Do you know what I am going to say?" The audience replied "NO",
so he announced "I have no desire to speak to people who don't even know what I will
be talking about" and he left. The people felt embarrassed and called him back again
the next day. This time when he asked the same question, the people replied
"YES" So Nasreddin Hoca said, "Well, since you already know what I am going
to say, I won't waste any more of your time" and he left. Now the people were really
perplexed. They decided to try one more time and once again invited the Hoca to speak the
following week. Once again he asked the same question - "Do you know what I am going
to say?" Now the people were prepared and so half of them answered "YES"
while the other half replied "NO". So Nasreddin Hoca said "The half who
know what I am going to say, tell it to the other half" and he left!
Here is what my friends have to say about me
Amir is a very hard specimen to describe. Like all scorpios, he is a very nice person with a temperament. Try beating him at any argument! With his sturdy good looks hes attracted many a girl; But some how he manages to keep the poor females away. But what impresses me most about him is his patience and the expert, professional way in which he plays minesweeper and chess. I wish him all the success and hope that in the future we work in the same company.
Imran Assadullah Mohammed.
Amir is a very nice person and a good friend of mine.
All my best wishes are with him.
With all my heart,
Sudipta Sarkar
Actually writing about people we like is difficult. And writing about a person, I have great respect in my heart will take me a lot of time and will take a big space in the yearbook ,actually me I think I don't have the ability to do that because what I will write is not enough to describe a person whose face I mean the features of his face are telling you that I have got a heart that does not know hate , a face that emphasizes I don't know furry......
Bahaa Akkawi
Being a friend, it is a great pleasure for me to seize the opportunity of my friend's graduation to extend my best wishes and congratulations to him and his colleagues on this happy occasion. Hoping this degree will open doors for him for a secure future and improve his prospects in finding a satisfactory job.
Sincerely yours
Samer kawash
"Amir you are a true friend of mine, you have maintained our friendship throughout the years. I still remember the days when we would stand in the school courtyard (rumeithiya school) and complain about the school work, teachers etc. I just hope and pray (Inshallah) that I get to see you soon. Hopefully in Kuwait."
Your friend for life
Adil Aquil
Mr. Amir Riaz is an exemplary student, who works hard, respects his teachers and hands in his homework on time. Ahem... I guess I've been daydreaming a little too much for my own good. An exemplary student and a teacher's pet he may not be, but nevertheless, he's a great guy.. (If you had sent more money like I asked you to, I'd have been less niggardly with praise. Given the trifling sum, I'll try to stretch the corners as much as I can.). Honestly, I have no idea where to start... A write-up always sounded so simple until I actually had to write one. I guess a walk down memory lane (shallow and short as it may be) would do some justice.. I've known Amir "Bhai" (Brother; signifies respect and seniority) as a quiet person who prefers to keep his nose out of others' business. Beneath his shell of reserve, he's a very cool guy and once you get to know him well, his dry and often unexpected sense of humor will keep you laughing and his pearls of wisdom (yeah!) will, well... never cease to amaze you.. (sorry, we're out of credits!! Insert more cash, or I'll just have to resort to TELLING THE TRUTH!!) For starters, he knows a lot about aircraft, fighter planes in particular.. As a freshman, I tried bluffing him once but he wouldn't let me get away with it. Okay Amir Bhai, I'll concede; They DO use F-18s on aircraft carriers.. So much for watching TOP GUN!!! A world of good it did to me!! (Can I use SMILEY FACES?) For a Petroleum Engineer, he sure has some very unusual interests (Now I wouldn't want to burst someone's bubble...). He's no slow-MO (sorry Mo!!) when it comes to HTML either. Its amazing to note how fast he learnt web-designing. As much as I may praise my own websites, I'll have to accept that his homepage gets more visitors than mine; EVEN after all the RELOAD clicks to increase the visitors counter. (That will be SADECE 5 US Dollars and 13 cents, please). And yes, I envy his hair. I'd love to swap mine for his anytime. I wonder if he ever thought of trying out for a shampoo commercial ($3.99). If you've been reading carefully, there's really nothing of great significance in all that I've written... so I guess it'd be safe to conclude that I've successfully described the person in question. ;-) I hope this winkey face makes it to the publishers intact. In short (AND NOW for a special offer - ONLY $7.58 - LIMITED TIME!! Bu altin firsat kacirmayin!!), for reasons too deep to explain, I really like and respect the guy. Among other things, I cannot thank him (& Imran and Zameer) enough for making my first year in Turkey so memorable and for being such a wonderful housemate, not to mention, a great cook as well. I'll miss you when you're gone. Whereever you may go, I pray that Allah grants you happiness, success and everything you've ever wanted out of life.
Total ($16.7 artik 15% KDV) Payable by Credit or Money Order...
Ajwad Ansari
Amir who is one of my best friends was also my house mate . We shared all the good times and the bad times together very boldly but most of the time we laughed together watching the British comedies and of course the Jay leno's show. He is a good cook can always impress any girl with his good recipes and has a lot of patience. And is a good analyzer. We lived together for at least 2 to 3 years but never ever fought although METU kept as tensed . Last but not the least I hope he graduates and becomes one of the best petroleum Eng. and make his country and all his friend proud.
Zameer Khan.
I have known Amir for a long time. We arrived in Turkey together in a strange new country. Since then our friendship has grown and we have been through a lot. A friend like Amir is rare to find. He is a very caring and loving person and one cannot help but like him. He is always there for you and goes out of his way to help out other people. People like Amir are hard to find in today's world and we hope that he gets the best out of life because he is one person who deserves the best. We wish him all the luck and success in life. We know that he is going to be the best in whatever he plans on doing and succeed in it. Take care and best of luck to you Amir.
Thanks for being a friend.
Mustafa Siddiqui
The most handsome person considered by everybody in the society was of course me, but Amir also possessed some of the handsome looks. The first time I saw him was in the petroleum department. At the first glance he looked very mysterious, but as time passed by he became more and more open to us (literally speaking) and we found him to be a very joyful and charming person (Of course all scorpios are joyful and charming). Not only he is joyful and charming but also has an artistic touch in him. When it comes to cooking he wins everybody's appreciation with his mouth watering spicy dishes. I wish him all the success in his future and hope that InshAllah after graduation he finds a very good job and earns lots and lots of green.
Syed Maaz.
Amir Riaz is one of the most serious people I have met in Turkey who is devoted to anything he does be it studies, cooking or supporting Fenerbahce (but Fenerbahce is not winning this season hah!). When I first met him he looked very serious and reserved but as time passed by he proved to be a little jolly too! He was always supportive and helpful. He is one of the most respectful people of the community, but I hated him when he spelled my name wrong which he usually did. He is pretty daring too, not unlike other typical scorpios. His great looks made him favorite among girls but he never cared for them ( I wish I would have been in his place ). His high ambitions and hard work will surely take him to his goal. From the bottom of my heart I wish him good luck in his life and hope to again InshAllah. But mind it he wont forget me as I used to get onto his nerves and tested his patience often.
Mohammed Yousuf Ali.
Amir Riaz, my friend and my housemate, is a person with attractive qualities and personality. He is a person with a calm, silent and quiet appearance. But if you come closer to him, you can find him talkative, lively and a person with a good sense of humor. He is among the best housemates or the best housemate that I found in my four year stay here. I remember my mother when I eat food cooked by him, he cooks very well. Not only that much, if I start writing I may write a whole book about him, or that may be my ability to write a book !! Anyway, I wish him best of luck in his future life.
Adeel Hasan Zaidi
You are among my initial friends in Turkey. During our stay here we (at least me) developed a special decree of friendship that is created only at the early age. I wish you best of luck in future. May Allah prosper our friendship and allow us to support it forever (Ameen).
Shahid Shafiq
Amir Riaz, to me, is , first of all, a true friend. Hes also like a big brother to me and my table tennis partner, my partner in defense (in soccer), my Juve supporter partner, my web page rival (cant compete with him though), my quality control expert in cooking. Coming back to being a true friend, hell go any where and everywhere with me, may be even to hell, but one place hell never go with me is Bilkent. I really appreciate his taste in music especially since he started taking interest in Alice in chains and the likes. He also has it in him to become a philosopher and writes very well. All in all, hes a great guy and I wish him whatever he wishes for himself.
Qasim Saeed Khawaja
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