Some Sensitive Issues Pertaining to SexAnal intercourse with one's wife is a major sin, whether it occurs at the time of menstruation or not. The Prophet SAWS (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) cursed the one who does this: "Cursed is the one who approaches his wife in her rectum" (Reported by Imaam Ahmad, 2/479; see also Saheeh al-Jaami', 5865).
The Prophet SAWS (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) also said: "The one who has intercourse with a menstruating woman, or with a woman in her rectum, or who goes to a fortune-teller, has disbelieved in what was revealed to Muhammad." (Reported by al-Tirmidhi, no. 1/243; see also Saheeh al-Jaami', 5918).
In spite of the fact that many wives of sound nature refuse this, there are some husbands who threaten their wives with divorce if they do not obey them (in this matter), and some even deceive their wives, who are too shy to ask scholars about it, into thinking that it is permissible. The Prophet SAWS (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) said that a man may approach his wife in any way he likes, from the front or the back, so long as intercourse takes place in the place from through which a child is born. There is no doubt that the rectum is the place from which waste matter is expelled, not the place from which a child is born.
Another reason why some may commit this immoral act is that they enter upon what should be a clean married life with some jaahili (ignorant) traditions and odd practices, or with memories of scenes from indecent movies, for which they have not repented to Allaah.
It is known that this act is forbidden even if both partners agree to it. Mutual consent to a haraam deed does not make it halaal.
I ask Allah to bestow upon us a proper understanding of His religion and to make us adhere to its limits, for He is the All-Hearing, the One Who answers prayers.
. It is permissible to use condoms so long as this does not cause any harm and so long as both husband and wife consent to their use, because this is similar to ‘azl (coitus interruptus or “withdrawal”). But it reduces the sensation of pleasure, which is the right of both partners, and reduces the chance of conception, which is also the right of both partners. Neither one of them is allowed to deprive the other of these rights. (For more information, see Question #1100 and 566). And Allaah is the course of strength.
Oral SexA married couple have the right to enjoy each other in whatever way they wish, and to have intercourse in the place through which conception may occur, in any position he wishes, as Allah says:
"Your wives are a tilth for you, so go to your tilth when or how you will . . ." [al-Baqarah 2:223]
Intercourse is forbidden for the husband in two situations:
(1) At the time of the monthly period, as Allah says: "They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: that is an adha (a harmful thing), therefore keep away from women during their menses, and go not unto them till they have purified themselves. And when they have purified themselves, then go into them as Allah has ordained for you. Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves." [al-Baqarah 2:222]
(2) Anal intercourse. The Messenger of Allah (Peace & Blessings of Allah be upon Him) said: "He is cursed ,the one who has intercourse with his wife in her anus." (Reported by Abu Dawud and Imam Ahmad, and deemed saheeh in Saheeh al-Jaami‘, 5889).
Another hadith refers to both issues mentioned above: "Avoid the anus and the time of menstruation." (reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud; see also Saheeh al-Jaami‘, 1141).
The issue of oral sex is governed by two conditions:
(1) It should not cause any harm,
(2) It should not lead to any naajis (impure) substance being swallowed.Allah knows best. May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
. A fatwa given recently by Shaikh bin Baz on 26/06/98 in Riyadh when questioned as to whether the drug Viagra(Sildenafil Citrate)which is currently being used for treating erectile dysfunction was permissible to use.
The Shaikh said "Using the drug that helps sexual intrecourse is permitted and there is no legal Islamic prohibition provided it did not contain ingredients that may harm health or an intoxicant material"quoted from Okaz newspaper
Currently the drug is not prescribable on the NHS but may be later this year (Allah knows best). The only contra-indication for its use at present is the concurrent use of oral nitrate preparations for the treatment of angina since it is a potent vasodilator. Viagra was originally being researched as a treatment for angina.
. The Islamic Fiqh Council addressed this issue as follows:
Transplanting reproductive glands. Because the testicles and ovaries continue to carry and produce the genetic characteristics (DNA) of the original donor even after being transplanted into a new body, the transplanting of reproductive glands is not permitted according to Islamic sharee’ah.
Transplanting other parts of the reproductive organs. Transplanting parts of the reproductive system which do not transmit DNA (with the exception of the private parts themselves) is permissible in cases of legitimate necessity as long as the relevant rulings and regulations of sharee’ah are adhered to.
And Allaah knows best.
. It is not permitted to carry out operations on men or women that will lead to complete sterility, such as cutting the vas deferens (vasectomy) in men, or removing the ovaries or womb (hysterectomy) in women. This is because cutting off all possibility of future offspring with no valid reason is haraam, as it goes against what the Prophet SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wanted for his ummah, and is a source of shame and humiliation for the Muslims. The more the Muslims increase in number, the more this is a source of pride and status for them. Allaah has guaranteed to provide for His slaves, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): “And no living, moving creature is there on earth but its provision is due from Allaah. And He knows its dweeling place and its deposit (in the uterus, grave, etc.). All is in a Clear Book.” [Hood 11:6]. So cutting off all possibility of future offspring for no good reason goes against this teaching. However, if it is necessary to carry out an operation of the kind mentioned – such as a case where the mother’s life will be in danger if she becomes pregnant, or she is suffering from a disease in her womb which it is feared could spread and kill her (such as cancer), so she has no choice but to have her womb removed – then there is nothing wrong with carrying out these operations in such cases of necessity. And Allaah knows best.
Fataawaa al-Mar’ah al-Muslimah (2/974); Fataawaa li’l-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (2/975); Fataawaa al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem.
Is Family Planning allowed in Islam?
by Jamaal Zarabozo
The question of family planning and birth control was discussed in detail by the Majma al-Fiqh al-Islaami. They had twenty three scholars research this topic and present their findings on this matter. The participants involved represented many different trends and schools of thought. Among the participants were Muhammad Ali al-Baar, Ali al-Saaloos, Muhammad Saeed Ramadhan al-Booti, Abdullah al-Basaam, Hasan Hathoot and Muhammad Sayid Tantaawi. Their proceedings, papers and discussions may be found in Part One of the Fifth Volume of Majallah Majma al-Fiqh al-Islaami (1988/1409 A.H.). These proceedings are 748 pages all about the question of birth control and related issues.
The following are important points related to the issue of birth control in Islam. These were mentioned by some of the participants in the above program:
The institution of marriage and the want to have children was the custom of the best of creation, the prophets and messengers chosen by Allah. Allah says about them
"And indeed We sent messengers before you and made for them wives and offspring"
(al-Raad 38)The best example for the believers is the example of the prophet Muhammad (saw), who married and had children. These prophets and messengers are the people whom Muslims should look to emulate. Allah says
"They are those whom Allah has guided. So follow their guidance" (al-Anaam 90)
They should be emulated and not the disbelievers of the West, whose new lifestyles - mostly out of concern for enjoying this life or obtaining as many worldly goods as possible - discourage women from having more children.
Islam has forbidden celibacy, monasticism and castration for such purposes. The prophet (saw) made this clear when he told those companions who were considering acetic forms of life: "I pray and I sleep; I fast and I break my fast; and I marry women. Whoever turns away from my way of life is not from me."
The prophet (saw) not only encouraged marriage but he encouraged marrying those women who are child-bearing. He stated: "marry the loving, child-bearing women for I shall have the largest numbers among the prophets on the day of Resurrection."(Recorded by Ahmad and ibn Hibban.)
From the Islamic perspective, children are a gift and a blessing from Allah. Allah mentions some of the bounties that He has bestowed upon mankind in the following verse:
"And Allah has made for you spouses of your own kind and has made for you, from your wives, sons and grandsons, and has bestowed upon you good provisions." (al-Nahl 72)
Allah also said:
"Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world." (al-Kahf 46)
The only true provider for all mankind is Allah. If Muslims follow what Allah has prescribed for them, Allah will provide for them. Allah has warned about killing one's children out of fear of poverty for either parents or the child. Allah says:
"Kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them"
(al-Anaam 151)Allah also says:
"And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them as well as for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin" (al-Isra 31)
Hence, Muslims should never abort or kill their children out of fear of poverty. It is Allah who provides for them.
Based on the above points and numerous others, the scholars who participated in the research on this question came up with the following resolution:
- It is not allowed to enact a general law that limits the freedom of spouses in having children.
- It is forbidden to "permanently" end a man's or a woman's ability to produce children, such as by having a hysterectomy or vasectomy, as long as that is not called for by circumstances of necessity according to its Islamic framework.
- It is permissible to control the timing of births with the intent of distancing the occurrences of pregnancy or to delay it for a specific amount of time, if there is some Shariah need for that in the opinion of the spouses, based on mutual consultation and agreement between them. However, this is conditioned by that not leading to any harm, by it being done by means that are approved in the Shariah and that it not do anything to oppose a current and existing pregnancy.
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